
Visual studio code format code shortcut windows
Visual studio code format code shortcut windows

visual studio code format code shortcut windows

You can set it up so it formats your code every time you save it, significantly reducing the amount of time you need to spend formatting your code. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that works particularly well if you have multiple people working on a single project, because the extension enforces a consistent style. Prettier Spend less time formatting your code

visual studio code format code shortcut windows

You also don’t need any source code on your local machine, because the extension runs commands and other extensions directly on the remote machine. This makes it much easier to develop and/or troubleshoot in a wide variety of scenarios. The Remote - SSH extension lets you use any remote machine with an SSH server as your development environment. Remote - SSH Use any remote machine with an SSH server You'll be much faster at spotting errors and it's much easier to do some quick experiments with your code. Live Server launches a local development server with a live reload feature both for static and dynamic pages.Įvery time you save your code, you'll instantly see the changes reflected in the browser. Live Server Immediately see code changes reflected in the browser This way, you'll have access to your preferred IDE from whichever device you want, instead of having to program from a vanilla VSCode environment on new devices or having to manually set up everything again. It allows you to sync pretty much everything you customize on VSCode to Github, from settings to keyboard shortcuts to other VSCode extensions. Settings Sync Settings Sync saves you a lot of time installing extensions across devicesīefore you start installing extensions left and right, it's good to know of the existence of Settings Sync. Here are the VSCode extensions we'll cover:

visual studio code format code shortcut windows

These extensions mostly apply for web developers, but there are some general-purpose extensions that will benefit everyone else too. Considering Visual Studio Code is the most popular IDE, here are 20 VSCode extensions that will make you a more productive developer. Extensions to your IDE are invaluable to speed up your work without reducing the quality of your output.

Visual studio code format code shortcut windows